It's all about what you call something we make these often in our house and call their "cookies" But these cookies have healthy fats and no sugar. And you can buy silicone candy trays in cool shapes from amazon and they are even cooler than conventional cookies loaded with sugar.
FAT Bombs
Great to have in the freezer as grab and go.
1 Package “lets go organic” coconut butter
OR 4 Tablespoons Organic coconut butter
1 ½ TBS shredded organic coconut (unsulfured and unsweetened) “let’s go organic”
2-4TBS Ghee (Brand: Pure Indian Ghee)
melt coconut butter in a pan in the oven about 10 minutes (No Microwave)
Add shredded coconut
Stir in Ghee
Optional add vanilla or cinnamon
Pour into silicone candy trays (never been used for candy) or cupcake papers
Place in the freezer for 20 minutes
Optional if you are having them as a protein snack as well stir 1-3 oz. of vital proteins collagen in your batch.
Delicious, energizing, and easy. Be mindful that they will melt in 1-2 hours if packed out of the freezer. They are the BOMB!!